Blanche Elizabeth Shaw Dobbin

Blanche Elizabeth Shaw Dobbin
was born on June 17, 1908 in Pomfret, Maryland;
lived from 1928 to 1997 in Hyattsville, Maryland;
and died in Virginia Beach, Virginia on October 21, 2003

A New Dress?

The Shaw family didn't travel much beyond the western shore of Maryland, but they did visit friends and relations. The Shaw home was also very popular for family to visit as Jenny could really put out a spread of food. There was Maggie, a young black woman taken in as part of the family, who helped with the cooking and housekeeping. And there was also Kate who would come in for special occasions like wedding celebrations.

But this photo of a teen-aged Blanche is from somewhere off the farm. The hair is styled in a new fashion. Perhaps it is a new dress? If so, she probably made it herself.

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