Blanche Elizabeth Shaw Dobbin

Blanche Elizabeth Shaw Dobbin
was born on June 17, 1908 in Pomfret, Maryland;
lived from 1928 to 1997 in Hyattsville, Maryland;
and died in Virginia Beach, Virginia on October 21, 2003

Motorcycle Gal

Blanche sit on the back of Graham Robey's motorcycle, in front of his family home in NE Washington on Newton Street.  Graham was a Murray cousin, and Blanche had come to stay with his family which included his sister May, while she was working in D.C. first as a seamstress and then in a beauty shop in the Wardman Park Hotel. One important client for whom Blanche did her hair, was Mamie Eisenhower, wife of General Ike Eisenhower.

May Robey later moved to Hyattsville, MD and lived a block away from Blanche and Wally Dobbin, on 40th Ave. And she was also the connection to the Dobbin's joining St. Matthew's Episcopal church.

Years later, her grandson (me) had a motorcycle too, and once gave her a short ride around the neighborhood. Now I understand what a thrill it was for her.

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